Oakway Health Center, Inc. is located in the heart of the beautiful Willamette Valley, in western Oregon. Our clinic is composed of three chiropractic physicians, a physical therapist, an exercise physiologist and a personal trainer.
Gregg G. Gittins, D.C., C.C.S.P. is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and has been practicing in the area of natural health for the past 15 years.
In addition to specializing in sports medicine, he is the co-founder of SuperBacks LLC, a specialized state-of-the-art spinal rehabilitation clinic providing a unique and researched- based approach for individuals suffering with long-term chronic pain. "In addition, SuperBack LLC is a licensed SuperSlow facility utilizing superslow training methods which are rapidly becoming known as the safest and most effective method for rehabilitation."
Oakway Health Center is committed to natural health alternatives, and has extensive experience in the field of nutritional supplementation and alternative medicine.
In accordance with Oakway Health Center's desire to educate the conscientious and not-so conscientious health consumer, we offer you this website full of literature, updated newsletter articles, and what we consider to be the best nutritional supplement line on the market today: Pure Encapsulations.
We welcome you to call, email or fax our center for any questions or comments you may have.
The Staff at Oakway Health Center, Inc. A Welcome from Dr. Gittins